### Log session started at Thu Sep 14 00:00:00 2006 ### [00:00:26] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [00:01:08] bent [chatzilla-@moz-E15E31D4.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [00:01:08] bent [chatzilla-@moz-E15E31D4.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: bent [00:01:51] asac [asac@moz-F25DD074.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:02:25] Elen [El@moz-395FE35C.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #developers [00:02:37] biesi [chb@sjs-130-65-241-181.sjsu.edu] has joined #developers [00:03:05] biesi [chb@sjs-130-65-241-181.sjsu.edu] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [00:03:29] biesi [chb@sjs-130-65-241-181.sjsu.edu] has joined #developers [00:03:57] dougt [dougt@moz-C552EF89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [00:04:44] dougt [dougt@moz-C552EF89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers [00:04:51] asac [asac@moz-6C4A69C0.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #developers [00:10:26] josh [josh@moz-3628CCAA.mn.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [00:11:52] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [00:13:32] sp3000 [chatzilla@F4205B63.F64F4E60.55E1D0E4.IP] has joined #developers [00:14:04] <@bz> Bernd: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=352367#c9 , right? [00:14:45] bz: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=352461 [00:16:02] bz: chris has written soemthing similiar for border collapse [00:16:33] <@bz> ah [00:16:45] <@bz> yeah [00:16:56] <@bz> this sounds like exactly what dbaron's code wants [00:17:45] I guess then this code will not show up anymore in jprof prominently [00:18:00] <@bz> why do we need to worry about cellmap repair? [00:18:15] mwu [mikew@moz-5B5E35CE.rutgers.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [00:18:33] bz: it might be the only place where we do it [00:18:34] now [00:18:39] <@bz> ih [00:18:40] <@bz> er, oh [00:18:49] <@bz> well, wait [00:18:52] <@bz> how does the trunk code work? [00:18:57] <@bz> Does it also call GetDataAt? [00:19:05] of course [00:19:16] why it is so slow [00:19:24] <@bz> GetSortedFrames() [00:19:26] <@bz> I guess it does [00:19:57] we call cellMap->GetCellInfoAt [00:20:18] <@bz> inf->cellFrame = [00:20:18] <@bz> TableFrame->GetCellInfoAt(rowX, colX, &orig, &inf->colSpan); [00:20:19] <@bz> This part [00:20:20] <@bz> ok [00:20:41] http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/layout/tables/nsCellMap.cpp#2556 [00:20:53] <@bz> right [00:21:04] <@bz> ok [00:21:06] <@bz> so wait [00:21:35] <@bz> I know we have other callers of GetDataAt() with PR_TRUE [00:21:43] <@bz> We know this caller doesn't want repair [00:21:54] <@bz> So the only issue would be if some other caller does but is passing PR_FALSE? [00:22:06] no we don't know [00:22:41] <@bz> we don't know that this caller doesn't want repair? [00:23:10] bz: no we don't know that there are other places which will be executed to repair [00:23:17] <@bz> ok.... [00:23:22] <@bz> but so what? [00:23:30] remove the repair [00:23:32] <@bz> That is, any place that wants the repaired info is passing PR_FALSE [00:23:39] <@bz> er, passing PR_TRUE [00:23:53] <@bz> places that don't care about repaired info don't care whether we repair here [00:24:00] dolphinling [chatzilla@F888A381.A869895A.C2F92C85.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [00:24:08] bz is not sure whether he's making sense [00:24:21] <@bz> I guess here's my point. [00:24:28] <@bz> Say we change the strategy to not trigger repair [00:24:58] <@bz> Where would this cause problems? In any case where someone expects repair to have already happened, right? [00:24:58] bz: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=351942 [00:25:38] <@bz> sure [00:25:40] <@bz> I read that [00:25:50] <@bz> I agree that the mechanism needs improvement. [00:25:59] once this is fixed the repair issue will vanish but still then we don't need to travel up and down [00:26:10] <@bz> I'm just not sure how that blocks bug 352461 [00:26:39] <@bz> If our iterator cared about non-originating frames, we would care... [00:26:42] <@bz> But it doesn't [00:26:56] dolphinling [chatzilla@F888A381.A869895A.C2F92C85.IP] has joined #developers [00:27:03] <@bz> and originating frame locations are not affected by repair, are they? [00:28:15] we need to have correct colspans [00:28:31] so we need corrected values here desperately [00:28:36] <@bz> hmmm [00:28:37] <@bz> ok [00:28:45] <@bz> so maybe I misunderstand what repair does [00:28:53] <@bz> Does repair affect anything other than 0-spans? [00:29:08] in principle no [00:29:28] <@bz> ok.... [00:29:41] in reality it marks also cells that it could not repair as dead so that it does not try to repair them again [00:29:48] <@bz> ok [00:30:04] <@bz> Sure. [00:30:06] thats the last big performance gain [00:30:22] <@bz> But we don't care about that, do we? [00:30:29] <@bz> That is, we just want to look at the spot right below us. [00:30:41] <@bz> If it's got cell data, great. Check whether it's originating, etc. [00:30:45] <@bz> If it's a hole, move on. [00:30:52] <@bz> because we don't care about non-originating stuff [00:31:12] <@bz> or am I missing something? [00:31:17] the second pass with the colspans on the oginating cells needs to get repaired/expanded cells [00:32:21] <@bz> can you point me to a line in the reflow branch strategy? [00:32:31] bz doesn't recall all the side effects as well as he should. :( [00:33:45] bz: the problem is the code that it has these side effects [00:33:49] line 289 [00:34:15] <@bz> So that line needs a correct |colSpan| ? [00:34:25] sure [00:34:31] <@bz> Oh, I see [00:34:44] and it gets it only for zerospans if we repaired before [00:34:46] <@bz> so for an originating cell with colspan="0" this code would screw up if we skipped repair [00:34:48] <@bz> gotcha [00:35:05] bienvenu_ [DavidBienv@moz-DA017C7B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [00:35:06] nice [00:35:44] the design decision is very old (troy or buster) I believe [00:37:18] <@bz> yeah... [00:39:42] yason [yason@38679F97.A3945F99.EA2C8431.IP] has joined #developers [00:41:48] no, it was the master himself.... 2000-01-31 19:23 [00:42:11] <@bz> so the way I see it [00:42:16] <@bz> for 1.8.x it doesn't matter [00:42:28] <@bz> and for 1.9 we'll hopefully get this fixed. [00:42:29] <@bz> Right? [00:42:45] this is not branchable [00:44:12] for 1.9 thats the plan, oh cool the corresponding bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24880 [00:45:29] hello all, any idea how to fix "Permission denied to get property XULElement.ownerDocument' when calling method: [nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement::ownerDocument]"? [00:45:44] Bug 352489 [00:49:01] Crash, huh? [00:49:08] WeirdAl tries to repro on Windows [00:49:10] brb [00:49:55] Uh, what's Orca? [00:50:01] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-538880CE.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [00:50:24] It's a screen reader [00:50:40] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-538880CE.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [00:50:49] http://www.gnome.org/projects/orca/ [00:50:55] <@bz> ginn: who's making the call? [00:51:05] in accessible code [00:52:12] <@bz> ok... what JS is on the stack, if any? [00:52:12] oh, then I won't crash - on Windows I have --disable-accessibility thanks to a really stupid bug about VC8 freebie edition [00:52:27] <@bz> although... that's weird [00:52:27] :-| [00:52:41] <@bz> What's actually getting the exception? [00:52:51] a second [00:54:26] dveditz [dveditz@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:54:40] raccettura [raccettura@moz-B3D97F32.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:57:53] <@vlad> bz: got a sec? [00:58:10] http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/accessible/src/base/nsAccessibilityService.cpp#294 [00:58:42] how can I find out JS on stack? [00:59:01] whimboo [whimboo@moz-EB1856E3.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Quit [01:00:30] rob_strong [rob_strong@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.74-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9a1/2006070508] [01:01:12] DumpJSStack, I believe a little bird or two told me. (When I mistakenly typed "DumpJSObject" into my blog.) [01:02:24] ss [ss@moz-21C11B32.usma1.compute.amazonaws.com] has quit IRC: Quit: brb [01:02:58] ssieb_roam [ssieb@moz-94BCB728.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [01:03:26] ss [ss@moz-21C11B32.usma1.compute.amazonaws.com] has joined #developers [01:03:35] WeirdAl steps out for a late-night snack [01:03:36] ginn: debugger or c++? [01:04:20] gdb [01:04:48] ginn - oh, why didn't you just say "the spawn of Satan" :) [01:05:28] or "that Rube Goldberg device" [01:05:32] ginn: what's aNode and such in ::GetShellFromNode? [01:05:56] biesi [chb@sjs-130-65-241-181.sjsu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Verlassend [01:07:15] ginnn: pastebin "where" [01:07:16] aNode is nSXPCWrapped [01:08:11] crowder [crowder@moz-454FFD85.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit IRC: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [01:08:41] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Client exited [01:09:59] a second [01:11:07] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/454 [01:11:37] frame 3 [01:11:38] Xanthor|aw [Xanthor@moz-B6DEAC86.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:11:40] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: 8403864 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global. [01:11:52] call DumpJSStack() [01:12:07] [pastevbin output] [01:12:14] Can someone land a patch on the 1_8 branch for me? [01:12:22] I'm not at work, so don't have my checkouts [01:12:23] pkasting: yeah [01:12:35] timeless: bug 348779, has a+ already [01:12:37] you know you don't need a full checkout to do landings :) [01:12:39] i never do [01:12:48] I don't have _CVS_ here at home :) [01:12:51] Seg Fault, gdb exit [01:13:05] ginn: upgrade to dbx [01:13:11] timeless: when you check in, mark fixed1.8.1, but leave open, I need to worry about the trunk tomorrow [01:13:19] and thanks! [01:13:51] iunknown: good idea, thanks [01:13:58] timeless: did you mean |call DumpJSStack()| or |DumpJSStack()|? [01:14:15] modules/libreg/include/NSReg.h [01:14:18] (gdb) help call [01:14:19] Call a function in the program. [01:14:24] i'm pretty sure i meant call [01:14:33] ie the former [01:14:46] just as i meant |frame 3| and not |3| :) [01:15:48] timeless: it was more of a question than it was a challenge. ;) [01:16:03] pkasting: what's ui review [01:16:09] and how does it appear in cvs commits? [01:16:12] and how do i spell joe? [01:16:18] ui-r [01:16:20] Mnyromyr [MnyroWork@B9DD71DB.895A7D73.450559D8.IP] has joined #developers [01:16:22] jhughes [01:16:33] gavin: and is this tree open? :) [01:16:42] firebot: trees 8$ [01:16:44] Sunbird-Mozilla1.8 : all 3 tinderboxen green! [01:16:46] Mozilla1.8 : all 11 tinderboxen green! [01:16:51] yes! [01:16:57] <@bz> ginn: is that the whole stack? [01:16:58] bonsai! [01:18:21] bz: no, I think >20 are not related to this issue [01:18:45] philor_ [ringnalda@moz-DE5A9240.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [01:18:51] <@bz> mmmm [01:19:00] <@bz> they might be [01:19:02] <@bz> depending on what's in them [01:19:05] <@bz> So here's what I think is odd [01:19:15] <@bz> # [01:19:15] <@bz> # [01:19:15] <@bz> #12 0xb70a4169 in nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod (this=0x8cddca8, methodIndex=14, [01:19:15] <@bz> # [01:19:15] <@bz> info=0x82f8908, params=0xbfbfb0c0) at xpcwrappedjs.cpp:477 [01:19:15] <@bz> # [01:19:15] <@bz> #13 0xb7e23673 in PrepareAndDispatch (methodIndex=14, self=0x8cddca8, [01:19:15] <@bz> # [01:19:16] <@bz> args=0xbfbfb184) at xptcstubs_gcc_x86_unix.cpp:100 [01:19:17] <@bz> # [01:19:18] <@bz> #14 0xb2500466 in nsAccessibilityService::GetShellFromNode (aNode=0x8cddca8, [01:19:19] philor [ringnalda@moz-20239781.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:19:20] <@bz> # [01:19:21] <@bz> aWeakShell=0xbfbfb328) at nsAccessibilityService.cpp:294 [01:19:21] <@bz> Why is that happening? [01:19:49] <@bz> 294 aNode->GetOwnerDocument(getter_AddRefs(domDoc)); [01:19:51] node is probably a js object [01:19:54] gavin kicks mozilla clipboard code and pastebin for bz [01:19:55] <@bz> it can't be [01:20:04] is it nsIContent? [01:20:09] <@bz> nsAccessibilityService::GetShellFromNode is called from [01:20:16] <@bz> # [01:20:16] <@bz> #15 0xb250095e in nsAccessibilityService::GetAccessibleByType (this=0x8217d78, [01:20:19] <@bz> Which does [01:20:26] aNode is nSXPCWrapped [01:20:44] <@bz> oh [01:20:45] <@bz> wait [01:20:54] <@bz> it does that elsewhere [01:20:56] <@bz> ginn: why? [01:20:57] gavin: can youkick paste/pastbin for me too? [01:21:17] timeless: sorry, missed your questions. Answers: [01:21:27] <@bz> ginn: how'd that happen? [01:21:34] timeless: I usually write "ui-r" for ui-review [01:21:37] pkasting: it's in cvs, you'll have to tolerate gavin's answers [01:21:45] <@bz> ginn: in any case, if it is that means someone called this code from JS. Who's the someone? [01:21:45] Oh [01:22:13] OK, thanks [01:22:19] I guess I'll mark the bug [01:22:33] NeilZZZ [neil@805FBB74.43DBE11A.6FB37ABF.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:22:33] ok [01:22:50] i was about to but i need to wait for bonsai and am trying to arrange a hotel in budapest and help ginn [01:23:52] dan___ [daniel@moz-A0DFFABC.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [01:24:04] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [01:24:10] graydon [graydon@moz-4322C8E6.vc.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:24:17] http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/accessible/src/xul/nsXULSelectAccessible.cpp#182 [01:24:27] ginn: i hate to ask, but are you on a branch? [01:24:29] <@bz> Right [01:24:37] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [01:24:38] <@bz> But why is that returning an XPCWrappedJS? [01:24:47] <@bz> It should be returning the underlying C++ object.... [01:24:48] timeless: no, HEAD [01:24:49] <@bz> In any case. [01:24:54] <@bz> What does the rest of the stack look like? [01:25:27] <@bz> huh [01:25:36] <@bz> is this XUL select content or chrome? [01:25:53] bz: xbl probably implements nsCOMPtr [01:26:22] /toolkit/content/widgets/menu.xml, [01:26:23] * line 17 -- [01:26:25] bz: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/455 [01:26:37] <@bz> timeless: right [01:26:38] * [01:26:39] /toolkit/content/widgets/text.xml, [01:26:39] * line 10 -- [01:26:40] Neil_ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [01:26:56] bz: so i don't see any reason this *wouldn't* be a wrapped js [01:27:09] bz: note that accessible tries to wrap xbl things into content [01:27:16] and they usually die becuase of security exceptions [01:27:25] <@bz> ginn: er... what's that the stack to? [01:27:27] Xanthor|aw [Xanthor@1A1B525D.C32EEA8.93BE0828.IP] has joined #developers [01:27:29] presumably precisely matching the ones we see in this stack [01:27:36] <@bz> timeless: hmm... ok, good point. [01:27:39] bz: that's the rest stack [01:27:54] <@bz> ginn: um... so impl_getSelectedChild calls atk_selection_ref_selection ? [01:27:56] could someone remind me why ginn is looking at this stack? [01:28:06] :) [01:28:18] <@bz> because caps is screwing him over [01:28:25] impl_getSelectedChild is in atk-spi [01:28:30] Neil_ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [01:29:07] atk_selection_ref_selection is in atk [01:29:45] <@bz> ok [01:30:07] <@bz> ginn: you could breakpoint in nsScriptSecurityManager::GetPropertyAccessImpl and see what subject principal it ends up with [01:30:09] <@bz> and why.... [01:30:44] bz has got to sleep [01:30:44] <@bz> g'night, all [01:30:52] <@bz> ginn: catch me tomorrow if you don't get somewhere by then? [01:30:56] Wevah [Wevah@moz-1BCA74A2.cloudnet.com] is now known as Wevah[z] [01:31:56] bz: thanks [01:32:44] bz [bzbarsky@moz-582D6B46.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] is now known as bz_sleep [01:36:29] ss [ss@moz-21C11B32.usma1.compute.amazonaws.com] is now known as ss|Zzz [01:40:13] which field should I look at for subjectPrincipal? [01:46:36] i think that function calculates it or something [01:46:49] so you should be able to read the code and either step through it, or set breakpoints based on where it should know it [01:47:07] it's been a while since i had to look at that code and i'm trying to do some other stuff [01:50:25] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Quitting! [01:58:27] roc? [01:59:30] timeless: bug 352620? [01:59:44] you are the reporter, assignee, r, and sr [01:59:44] anyone know the view code? [01:59:46] haha [02:00:05] sayrer: um, i blah ie [02:00:10] You entered a username that did not match any known Bugzilla users, so we have instead left the requestee field blank. [02:00:18] and bugzilla? [02:00:19] oh, you asked the wind [02:01:07] stuart: how about bug 352573 [02:01:22] timeless, we should really get some js bugs instead of chasing analyzer reports [02:01:43] sayrer: this isn't analyzer [02:01:47] oh, how'd you find it? [02:01:50] it's my compiler complaining that our code is broken [02:01:56] it's been complaining for years [02:02:00] what's your compiler? [02:02:03] but i rarely spend time caring [02:02:12] Forte or something [02:02:15] its name changes every couple of months [02:02:20] Sun? [02:02:24] yes [02:02:36] what in the world are they doing up there in finland [02:02:52] or is this just for fun [02:03:04] i'm pissed at debian ubuntu apt [02:03:10] so iu replaced it with a system that isn't broken [02:03:22] which means i get human readable error messages and such [02:03:29] hmm, you are nicer to Solaris than I am [02:03:31] but mostly i'm cursing s [02:03:36] or are you running Nexenta? [02:03:46] nah, opensolaris [02:03:53] i should look at nexenta [02:03:55] sayrer: fyi, those shifting line numbers from expat are a false alarm - actually quite justifiable [02:04:02] technically solarisnevada i suppose [02:04:27] Nexenta Alpha 4 /almost/ worked for me [02:04:34] auswerk [auslandr@moz-FBC4DCCC.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [02:04:36] solaris versioning makes ms versioning seem tame [02:04:52] or is it the other way around? [02:05:01] but now I run Ubuntu 64 on my Sun box. It just worked for me [02:05:09] sunos2.x/solaris5.x/snv? [02:05:19] timeless sighs [02:05:27] ubuntu is such a mess when it comes to trying to do dev work [02:05:33] no, sun 5.x / solaris 10.x [02:05:42] especially if you're stupid enough to install from a cd [02:06:04] well, it does take quite a lot of apt-getting to make it usable [02:06:13] every install i've seen always manages to have a distro preference that doesn't match the packages you have installed [02:06:26] and the packages you have installed arem't available from the non cd repositories [02:06:48] which means you instntly get package conflicts when you ask for your first missing package [02:07:08] and then, for some reason debian thopught that updating to gmake3.81 would be a good thing for a stable platform [02:07:31] philly_afk [chatzilla@moz-F39E10DC.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [02:07:37] anyway, back to constifying [02:08:24] lint [tim@EBCAB6A5.E9D615ED.6314CA07.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [02:12:21] brendan [brendaneic@moz-42090664.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: brendan [02:12:53] timeless rotfl [02:13:06] chat * stupid(char * thing) { [02:13:18] if (thing) { return strdup(thing); } [02:13:24] return thing; [02:13:25] } [02:13:28] #define chat char [02:14:38] wow [02:14:52] now, if you decide to make char * thing const char * thing [02:15:10] your code doesn't compile because you're returning a const char* null pointer [02:15:37] I'm looking at a XUL chrome document on a trunk XULRunner, and CDATA sections are being created as text nodes! [02:15:53] is that a problem ;-? [02:15:54] schrep [schrep@moz-7542B0EB.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #developers [02:16:39] pamg [pamg@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has quit IRC: Quit: pamg [02:18:06] Hannibal [Hannibal@FF672C8A.2DD6448.BB6EDB21.IP] has joined #developers [02:18:33] sayrer: i think the key is that sparcs like tol use readonly memory pages [02:18:44] so sun's compiler cares [02:19:05] man, I have tried to compile so much shit with that thing and given up [02:19:12] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:19:22] i've really loved using their compiler [02:19:43] I gather it generates great stuff if you get it to compile [02:19:46] i can't remember if it's hpux or aix which scites chapter and veerse [02:19:50] Neil_ [neil@805FBB74.43DBE11A.6FB37ABF.IP] has joined #developers [02:19:53] i think it's hpux [02:21:12] Neil_ [neil@805FBB74.43DBE11A.6FB37ABF.IP] is now known as NeilZZZ [02:22:46] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has joined #developers [02:22:46] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dveditz [02:23:05] hi dveditz [02:23:16] useless bug reviews waiting :) [02:23:34] roc: you still around? [02:24:02] <@dveditz> hi timeless [02:25:29] timeless takes it that roc isn't around [02:25:33] bernd: ping [02:25:40] pong [02:26:00] timeless: well, it's odd behavior, because I'm likely to do some node type checks [02:26:02] is Bug 352523 somethinig you could review? [02:26:19] philor_ [ringnalda@moz-DE5A9240.eug.or.uspops.net] is now known as philor [02:29:14] timeless pokes bernd [02:29:55] timeless: only if you really find nobody else, I am weak at strings [02:30:08] can you do it today? [02:30:13] the goal is to not have things go stale [02:32:50] timeless: no and in general if it does not crash or hangs the browser its below my radar (due to external time constraints) [02:33:12] k [02:33:25] stuart grumbles [02:33:28] this is debug code [02:33:32] iirc [02:33:53] auswerk [auslandr@moz-FBC4DCCC.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [02:36:12] auswerk [auslandr@moz-FBC4DCCC.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [02:36:28] orph [nobody@moz-FEE9422B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #developers [02:38:43] Bernd [bmlk@moz-BF0F2F9F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox 1.6a1/2006011105] [02:40:38] Pike [Axel_Hecht@1F89B737.8FA7E213.64A8B3F8.IP] has joined #developers [02:40:50] beaufour [beaufour@183BDF58.599B7C47.C7DB8B78.IP] has joined #developers [02:40:54] timeless grumbles [02:41:06] nss hackers aren't very careful [02:52:56] timeless sighs [02:53:00] laurentj [laurentj@2D8FB7E9.FB8B17DB.34E6C24D.IP] has joined #developers [02:53:21] timeless wonders what nsCRT::IsAscii(0) does [02:54:32] timeless wonders what nsCRT::IsAscii((const char*)0) does [02:55:25] timeless, why do we allow nsCRT:: at all anymore? [02:56:31] because most people aren't insane enought o volunteer to read mailnews code [02:56:34] let alone touch it [02:56:37] or change it [02:57:02] timeless sighs [02:57:08] new char[10] [02:57:09] or [02:57:12] timeless, but we have nsCRTGlue.h now [02:57:16] PR_Free(new char[10]) [02:57:19] pkasting_home [pkasting@moz-573A738D.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [02:57:30] sayrer: do you really want blame for this code? [02:57:50] I will create a hotmail account and review my own code! [02:58:22] (not really) [02:58:30] most of my mailboxes that people would try to mail won't reach me [02:59:02] anyway, lunch [02:59:05] i'll post a patch for mailnews shortly [02:59:07] we could try to delete nsCRT.h [02:59:16] and then you can think about trying to remove it [02:59:16] Pike_ [chatzilla@moz-DB195AC2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [02:59:22] that would be ambitious [03:02:39] Pike_ [chatzilla@moz-DB195AC2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Input/output error [03:06:54] gaoming [chatzilla@41233EAD.BD1919A0.787F53A6.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [03:06:57] Pike [Axel_Hecht@1F89B737.8FA7E213.64A8B3F8.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: real life [03:09:29] hwaara [hwaara@CF8C368A.2191EBAD.7EF74A51.IP] has joined #developers [03:10:15] gaoming [chatzilla@41233EAD.BD1919A0.787F53A6.IP] has joined #developers [03:10:34] gaoming [chatzilla@41233EAD.BD1919A0.787F53A6.IP] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [03:18:07] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has joined #developers [03:19:56] Unpresent [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:26:47] A`ja [chatzilla@moz-F494988D.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.73-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9a1/2006042715] [03:33:08] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-538880CE.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.4/2006072904] [03:33:57] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:34:51] if I have a webpage with an endless JS loop which creates an alert - how do kill that? I can't close the browser window, because the alert is modal... [03:34:58] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:35:21] I could shoot the whole app, but that isn't actually what I want to do... [03:35:33] Ryan [rflint@moz-23FBB0CF.res.east.verizon.net] is now known as Ryan|zzz [03:43:03] hm, if I'm lucky, I have a second window where I can turn off JS, but what if I don't? [03:43:20] this looks like possible DOS attack... [03:45:31] Mnyromyr: as far as I know, that's always been possible in just about any browser? [03:45:41] dunno [03:45:58] I was just right now annoyed by it ;-) [03:46:18] looks like bug 61098 or bug 300054 [03:46:45] luckily I _had_ a second window ;-) [03:50:34] A`ja [chatzilla@moz-F494988D.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #developers [03:51:17] mnyromyr venkman is your friend [03:51:43] as long as your browser responds such that you can ask it ot open a new window or venkman from a commandline (or venkman from the new window) [03:51:50] you can stop the thing [03:51:57] timeless: _my_ of course, but I doubt it's my e.g. mother's ;-) [03:52:16] otherwise, i think if you don't have venkman, the enable js pref might be live apply [03:52:39] so it might be sufficient to force a second window (double click firefox shortcut), open prefs and disable js, and then dismiss the dialog [03:54:04] Ryan|zzz [rflint@moz-23FBB0CF.res.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [03:55:48] timeless frowns [03:55:48] actually I doubt that I can configure SM's script pref in a FF window ;-) [03:55:54] sayrer: want something fun to do? [03:56:08] try to figure out what the memory sotry is for nsMsgSend.cpp [03:56:22] and I configured SM to open a second window, but in the default installation on Windows, it might work [03:56:37] s/window/instance [03:57:45] yeah, the instance thing is a problem [03:58:10] tha's why you always to to keepjsconsole or domi open as a window of last resort if you do disable moz_remote [03:59:20] oh man [03:59:25] i want to kill someone [03:59:44] /mozilla/mailnews/compose/public/nsIMsgSend.idl [03:59:51] %{ C++ [03:59:54] .. [03:59:58] // Attachment file/URL structures [03:59:59] struct nsMsgAttachmentData [03:59:59] { [04:02:26] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-DB195AC2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [04:03:10] anyone have an idea what would cause some code to not be used/called the first time you launch firefox after a rebuild? if I restart firefox after that, it's always used. [04:03:27] is there a good way to add a javascript: bookmarklet to wiki.m.o? [04:03:41] probably not :) [04:04:37] [javascript:foo() Bookmark me] ? [04:04:44] Hannibal doesn't know whether that'd actually work [04:05:02] I think it's ok with html to some extent, you could try that as well [04:05:02] doesn't seem to like javascript: to begin with, it seems [04:05:06] heh [04:05:08] fun :) [04:05:42] ideas, anyone? [04:05:45] I'm totally clueless... :/ [04:06:31] it's like a quantum bug. if I launch firefox in debug mode, my code always runs. if I just "casually" launch it after a rebuild, it won't run. [04:06:38] hwaara: where is that code? I think that'd probably explain it... maybe. [04:06:57] Hannibal: it's my a11y code, starting in widget/src/cocoa [04:06:58] actually, are you sure it doesn't restart once on first start? [04:07:18] Hannibal is not sure how you're checking whether your code runs [04:07:23] yes [04:07:35] Hannibal: when I attach a debugger, and set a breakpoint, it's not hit [04:07:46] actually, the breakpoint can't even be found then, for some reason [04:07:57] timeless sighs [04:07:58] Hannibal thinks that some reason is probably a clue ;) [04:08:06] this code is so very broken [04:08:06] though I wouldn't be able to tell you why or how. :( [04:08:17] timeless: on average, how many times a day do you say that? :D [04:08:31] I wish I could see at runtime what stuff is "in use" [04:08:46] I mean, more exactly than which shared libs are loaded [04:09:19] can this have to do with the XUL cache or fastload somehow? [04:09:28] hannibal: depends on what kind of code i look at [04:09:37] today i'm examining some maile code [04:09:52] hwaara: it could, theoretically, but that'd be a bug. [04:09:59] I think, anyway. [04:10:05] timeless: heh [04:10:06] Hannibal: how does those things work? what's teh general principle? [04:10:07] hwaara: it could easily relate to how your component registers itself [04:10:17] hwaara: I don't know. I don't like fastload :) [04:10:20] timeless: hmm [04:10:21] mcsmurf [chatzilla@7DE28687.6473F8A6.C8318C80.IP] has joined #developers [04:10:46] timeless: it's loaded the first time it's needed, which is only if you open some third-party app while firefox is running [04:11:10] SeaMonkey: 'Linux lhasa Depend release (gtk2+xft)' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [04:11:17] mcsmurf: hi [04:11:17] hwaara: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=288410 ;) [04:11:27] hi [04:11:58] oh, I saw that demux assertion yesterday I thik [04:12:10] mmc [mmc@moz-C81D45CC.maths.ed.ac.uk] has joined #developers [04:12:10] mcsmurf: I'm trying to reproduce bug 352520 [04:12:10] hwaara looks in his console [04:12:28] smontagu, I wish I could reproduce it :-/ [04:12:41] looking at bonsai also did not enlighten me very much [04:13:27] hwaara: hrm, that's interesting. I haven't looked into that bug in a very long time [04:13:30] mcsmurf: it seems to me that a crash could happen if GetFocusNode returned null at http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/editor/libeditor/base/nsEditor.cpp#4618 [04:13:34] and the pc I reproduced it on is semi-retired [04:13:49] gandalf [e-gand@4FFBF40E.8157CCE2.AB2CA809.IP] has joined #developers [04:13:55] Hannibal thinks this machine is so many times faster it might no longer be a problem [04:14:07] which could happen according to the comment at http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/layout/generic/nsSelection.cpp#4043 [04:14:13] Hannibal: I will keep an eye open, although I'm skeptical that would be the cause [04:14:17] the question is, when could it happen? :) [04:14:44] hwaara: mm. [04:14:46] someone changed the selection code around that time? [04:15:06] mcsmurf: bug 300131 did [04:15:31] hm... [04:16:48] I tried all kind of deleting text from the url bar now [04:16:52] Neil_ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [04:16:53] and I cannot reproduce [04:17:00] but yesterday the crash happened two times [04:17:38] NeilZZZ [neil@805FBB74.43DBE11A.6FB37ABF.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:18:08] Neil_ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [04:18:45] whimboo [Miranda@39B4F589.484D324C.349377F5.IP] has joined #developers [04:20:07] mcsmurf [chatzilla@7DE28687.6473F8A6.C8318C80.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:20:16] gavin: any changes to your timeline that you are able to check in the patch on bug 57802? Or should I ask another one? [04:21:08] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-420733AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [04:21:19] smontagu: sorry, just as we spoke I crashed ;) [04:21:30] and sometimes the debugger locks the whole system [04:21:51] anyway, I have the crash in a debugger now [04:21:57] if you need any var info [04:22:17] you are in nsEditor::DeleteSelectionImpl? [04:22:26] yes [04:22:39] what is deleteNode? [04:22:55] null nsComptr [04:23:27] /* This piece of junk is so that I can use BBDB with Mozilla. [04:23:32] timeless chuckles [04:23:47] that confirms my theories so far :) [04:24:10] mcsmurf: deleteCharOffset is -2? [04:24:19] -1 [04:25:14] humph [04:25:46] deleteCharData and deleteCharOffset? [04:25:59] er, just deleteCharData [04:26:10] null nsCOMPtr [04:27:46] mcsmurf: do you remember what you did? [04:28:02] I think I pressed the backspace key at the end of the URL [04:28:19] no selection present afaik [04:28:29] how did the URL get into the URL bar? [04:28:47] hm... [04:29:00] I think I clicked a link on a webpage [04:29:53] ah, -1 doesn't demolish my theory after all [04:29:58] heh :) [04:30:02] Unpresent [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has joined #developers [04:31:24] smaugZzz [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/0000000000] [04:31:31] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:32:13] smaug [chatzilla@93F5D356.851FF927.9BAB7257.IP] has joined #developers [04:32:55] Hannibal [Hannibal@FF672C8A.2DD6448.BB6EDB21.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [04:34:08] zwnj|away [zwnj@A27B03AD.DA3750AA.22199703.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: ZWNJ.org [04:34:47] zwnj [zwnj@A27B03AD.DA3750AA.22199703.IP] has joined #developers [04:37:08] mcsmurf: I suppose parentNode is out of scope [04:37:20] wolfiR [stark@D8346595.E0FEA68B.F7F6D21D.IP] has joined #developers [04:37:27] it says null nsCOMPtr for it [04:37:41] don't know if this is realistic [04:38:06] what about aAction? [04:38:15] if everything is null, something strange is going on ;-) [04:38:17] aAction is 0 [04:38:20] heh ;) [04:38:29] and you are at line 4630 like in the stack trace? [04:38:32] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has joined #developers [04:38:37] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-35450EE3.lijbrandt.net] has joined #developers [04:38:39] yes... [04:38:52] that makes no sense whatever, something is corrupted [04:39:02] note that this build has opt enabled [04:39:12] but so far this has only tricked me once [04:39:23] (in NSPR, there the var data was totally wrong) [04:39:30] and NSPR used O2, not O [04:39:49] Unpresent [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:40:01] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-35450EE3.lijbrandt.net] is now known as Hannibal-afk [04:40:22] mcsmurf: selection is null also? [04:40:37] no! :) [04:41:12] (did I select something?!) [04:42:28] what about selection->anchorNode? [04:42:48] um... [04:42:50] mAnchorNode, rather [04:42:57] ok [04:43:02] remote debugging is such fun [04:44:05] ManoZZZ [chatzilla@moz-73245C75.cable.012.net.il] is now known as Mano [04:45:22] you could always do remote debugging :o [04:45:55] smontagu: if you have windows, mcsmurf can give you a dmp and let you really debug locally [04:46:06] and if my debugger would not hate me, I could actually tell you about mAnchorNode [04:46:20] I cannot figure out how to get WinDBG to display me this :/ [04:46:51] mcsmurf: locals? [04:47:14] A`ja [chatzilla@moz-F494988D.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.73-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9a1/2006042715] [04:47:16] I don't see mAnchorNode anywhere as child of selection [04:47:35] (or better said as child of __vtcast_nsTypedSelection) [04:48:02] smontagu: is it? [04:48:26] mcsmurf: dt/dv w/ recursion can also work, if you want to [04:48:55] eww [04:48:58] timeless kicks mime [04:49:23] it really does randomly corrupt its input [04:50:28] mcsmurf: mAnchor... anything? [04:50:37] mAnchorFocusRange [04:50:53] null? [04:51:05] no [04:51:50] mStartParent and mEndParent are both some nsHTMLDivElement [04:52:11] (different elements, that is) [04:52:11] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [04:52:28] actually. [04:52:29] no [04:52:50] the mRawPtr is the same for both [04:53:37] mStartOffset is 1 and mEndOffset is 1 [04:54:01] while(index < length) { [04:54:01] line[index] = line[index + 1]; [04:54:05] index++; [04:54:06] } [04:54:10] yum :) [04:56:08] orph [nobody@moz-FEE9422B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:57:56] anyone know if there's a way to find out which element has focus? [04:58:11] timeless: wow, sloth doesn't use threading :/ updating the info beachballs the app [04:58:34] jwatt: XUL? [04:58:42] hwaara: yeah [04:58:56] iirc, there's something like hasFocus(), or maybe you just fetch the "focus" attr [04:59:00] well, XUL with embedded SVG [04:59:02] there is a way, try LXRing [04:59:12] hasFocus seems to be IE only [04:59:18] focus is a function to set the focus [04:59:21] we're doing stuff like that in our bindings [04:59:29] let me look [04:59:39] it's something like window.focusDispatcher or something similarly strnage [04:59:39] hmm, so it is possible, good good :) [04:59:41] thanks :) [04:59:42] Unpresent [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has joined #developers [04:59:55] weird [05:00:27] timeless: how much bandwidth does remote debugging actually need? [05:00:29] few or much? [05:00:39] (few=up to 10KB/s) [05:00:46] jwatt: http://landfill.mozilla.org/mxr-test/mozilla/source/toolkit/content/widgets/dialog.xml#160 [05:00:48] if you want it to run somewhat ok [05:00:48] mcsmurf: it needs happy firewallls [05:00:54] it actually should be fine in general [05:01:07] but i'd just send smontagu the .cab of the .dmp and let him debug w/o you [05:01:25] that means less than nothing to me [05:01:26] var focusedElt = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement; [05:01:26] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:01:28] basically [05:01:35] haha [05:01:42] smontagu: you have windows, right? [05:01:53] I have a windows installation, yes [05:01:54] basically he sends uyou a file that's like a zip file [05:02:00] you expand it using winzip or explorer [05:02:10] you then open the .dmp in windbg or visual studio [05:02:25] and list the directory containing th e.dmp as haaving symbols [05:02:33] then you have what he has minus sources [05:02:44] hwaara: thanks! [05:02:49] np [05:03:17] can I debug with sources if I put the .dmp in the right directory? [05:03:33] if you have sources you can point to them [05:06:37] mcsmurf: will you send me that, then? [05:06:50] need to see how big it is [05:11:04] is the algorithm for creating cab files insane? [05:11:15] or is the dmp file really huge... [05:13:04] *blink* [05:13:15] this file will be 60MB or more... [05:13:31] mcsmurf: dumps are full memory the way i gave you flags [05:13:40] the compressed cab gets very good compression on the dump [05:13:58] note that the cabb also includes .pdb files as i did it [05:14:12] if your build is on your symbol server you could skip the pdb's and just zip the dmp file [05:16:31] timeless wonders if mailnews builds [05:16:33] wowo [05:16:48] Hannibal-afk [Hannibal@moz-35450EE3.lijbrandt.net] is now known as Hannibal [05:20:38] ahaha... [05:20:43] mcsmurf kicks WinDBG [05:22:43] I thought I had a C:\ drive [05:22:46] but I did not.... [05:22:55] now WinDBG wrote the file somewhere [05:22:57] who knows where [05:23:19] should be the working directory for windbg [05:23:57] philor [ringnalda@moz-DE5A9240.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Quit: philor [05:23:59] ok [05:24:05] i seem to have a minor problem w/ netwerk [05:24:48] SimonTheSoundMan [SimonTheSo@E0D678BA.48AF9E17.97A297A6.IP] has joined #developers [05:27:14] ok, now i just need biesi or darin to explain why notwerk doesn't werk [05:28:33] :D [05:30:47] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-DB195AC2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: real life [05:37:36] SeaMonkey: 'Linux lhasa Depend release (gtk2+xft)' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [05:41:36] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #developers [05:45:32] wgianopoulos [chatzilla@moz-7A06A043.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [05:47:14] romaxa [romaxa@moz-9EA8BAE9.cosmicparrot.net] has joined #developers [05:51:35] is the fastload cache, and XUL cache etc all stored in the profile dir? [05:51:45] no [05:51:45] and whatever makes Firefox start twice [05:51:57] ok, enlighten me, please [05:52:00] on windows it's stored in the local settings temp area [05:52:04] he-he ;) [05:52:06] otherwise, yes :) [05:52:32] mcsmuirf: do you have a mailnews profile? [05:52:33] the firefox restart, is that due to extensions somehow? [05:52:48] to play around? no [05:52:48] but I have one [05:53:18] hwaara: restart is due to extension loading, yeah [05:53:25] (has to do with xpcom) [05:53:44] mcsmurf: is it documented somewhere in more detail? [05:53:55] grep/Users/nbsmedberg [05:54:17] mcsmurf uses magic Google foo [05:54:45] ...maybe... [05:56:35] ok, Google sucks [05:56:36] ask bsmedberg [05:57:18] mcsmurf: it's in your queue [05:57:34] basically try loading email that has trailing space w/ various mail settings [05:57:40] normal, plain text, simplified [05:57:51] maybe try forwarding a couple of mails [05:57:56] ideally if it's wrong the results will be visibly corrupted [05:58:09] second, I need to switch the PC :/ [05:58:16] and I have only one LAN cable here atm [05:59:01] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-420733AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/0000000000] [05:59:03] ginn [ginn@moz-41F3AF88.sun.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [06:00:00] mcsmurf [mcsmurf@moz-420733AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [06:01:45] Sander [me@E8B87793.1C0CBD4D.BA851D99.IP] has joined #developers [06:02:03] > [06:02:04] I'm never happy, don't worry about me. [06:02:34] how do I force firefox to do the EM registration dance (w/ restart) ? [06:04:02] pucko gives timeless a cookie for happiness [06:06:12] pucko: oddly enough, i really was quoting someone else [06:08:57] stevee [Miranda@E7FB15ED.45C97262.68D0326D.IP] has joined #developers [06:10:22] gandalf [e-gand@4FFBF40E.8157CCE2.AB2CA809.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [06:11:32] timeless, he needs a cookie. preferably with chocolate chips on [06:12:03] sounds good [06:18:02] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [06:18:19] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-DB195AC2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [06:18:39] fantasai [fantasai@33F5A0F0.E7A0B05B.8A1E5CBC.IP] has left #developers [06:21:01] wolfiR [stark@D8346595.E0FEA68B.F7F6D21D.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [06:26:45] lint [tim@EBCAB6A5.E9D615ED.6314CA07.IP] has joined #developers [06:26:53] daim [David_Mart@16E730AE.587CA57D.3E402BC7.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:30:17] > My wife just bought these yesterday. She put in the original version of Jedi for my daughter. A bit later my daughter came to my wife saying that something did not look right. Then my wife put in the new version, no complaints. I am hoping that it was something simple like the aspect ratio was not right on the TV, but if not it does not bode well if a 4 year old complains about the picture. [06:31:13] NeilAway assumes that means star wars 6 [06:31:40] should be, yes [06:32:19] smaug [chatzilla@93F5D356.851FF927.9BAB7257.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [06:33:14] smaug [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] has joined #developers [06:34:40] reynaldo [rverdejo@FE3AA6CE.83C6C361.9570CF02.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:38:01] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.2 pacifica-vm Depend Fx-Nightly' has changed state from Success to Burning. [06:40:44] Hannibal: I actually get those assertions at startup when it's not working! do you know what it means? [06:40:57] ASSERTION: redundant multiplexed document?: 'docMapEntry->mString == nsnull' [06:40:59] no, but it's fairly bad, IIRC. [06:41:28] hwaara wonders how to learn more about fastload etc without delving into the code [06:41:42] I can't help you there, unfortunately :( [06:42:15] I'm also moving house in 10 days, and I need to sort out going to EuroFoo in a few days, and then I have 'normal' university stuff to take care of, so I'm sort of busy :( [06:42:28] do let me know if you learn more about cause/effects of those assertions though! :) [06:42:35] ok [06:43:49] timeless sighs [06:43:50] daim [David_Mart@moz-25AE052A.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [06:43:50] i'm not making eurofoo :( [06:43:59] and i still have stuff left in amsterdamn [06:44:05] smaug: are you going to eurofoo? [06:44:23] no [06:44:36] hannibal:" know anyone from finland going? :( [06:44:41] when is that [06:44:53] hmm, though, it is expensive isn't it [06:45:25] there's EuroFoo and EuroOscon, AFAIK [06:45:30] ^ [06:45:33] the former is, I believe, invite-only [06:45:43] that's confusing [06:45:54] I don't know how much the latter is... it's free for speakers :-) [06:46:04] it's a good 1000 euro or so. [06:46:08] for the entire conference [06:46:12] yeah that sounds about right [06:46:19] glazou was very unhappy about it. [06:46:19] O'Reilly knows how to make money [06:46:23] yeah :( [06:46:38] I want to talk to them about throwing a browser conference here in Prague [06:46:43] I'll have to grab the guy and discuss [06:46:55] glad I remembered that now, not 3 days after the conference is over [06:47:16] something less expensive than OSCON but not as insanely low budget as Fosdem [06:47:26] timeless sighs [06:47:29] too many conerences [06:47:37] someone has to plan my calendar for me [06:47:50] well there should be at least one real European conference for Mozilla people, I think [06:47:56] and I'm not sure if Fosdem is the place [06:48:38] plasticmillion: well, FOSDEM is fun though even if it's low budget... but it's true, something more polished would probably be better [06:48:47] plasticmillion: we're talking about doing something before eurooscon in paris, but that's not high ranking on my priorities these days [06:49:10] KaiRo: FOSDEM is definitely fun but it's also really loud and chaotic [06:49:13] and be a little less self-focused and a bit more integrated at fosdem [06:49:19] plasticmillion: true [06:49:20] every time someone opened the door to the Mozroom I couldn't hear myself think [06:49:50] Pike: I'm probably not typical but I'm 100x more interested in Mozilla stuff than any other open source stuff [06:49:58] KaiRo as well [06:50:03] I like the idea of doing a browser-related conference and inviting Opera people, IE people, etc. [06:50:29] safari? :)\ [06:50:37] yeah, Apple too [06:50:40] even though I'm a OSS useralmost completely, I'm only really interested in the Mozilla dev stuff [06:50:55] I'll definitely talk to the O'Reilly guy about that next week [06:52:59] actually, if they would do an open Mozilla Developer meeting in MV (like they already did a few times) and announce it early enough, I'd even make a trip to California - while I've not been to any OSS conference other than FOSDEM [06:53:09] Krelin [Krelin@moz-454FFD85.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:53:10] Pike: btw EuroOscon is next week so if you're planning to do something before you'd better hurry! ;-) [06:53:55] hwaara has never been to an OSS conference [06:54:01] or was it xtech? yeah, xtech [06:54:10] that summer thing in paris next year [06:57:59] cf2 [chatzilla@290B3FC6.57216AA9.EF49C441.IP] has joined #developers [06:58:07] Any IRC admins awake ? [06:58:19] no response from #bmo [06:58:52] not that i see [07:01:07] mrbkap: ping [07:01:52] Krelin [Krelin@moz-454FFD85.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #developers [07:02:19] bah, I can't set a breakpoint in #defines [07:02:33] timeless: anyway, for completeness, I don't know anyone from finland going to either eurofoo or eurooscon [07:04:10] hwaara: wtf? [07:04:38] Mano: ? [07:04:58] hwaara: you can't set breakpoints in preprocessed code.... [07:05:01] smontagu [chatzilla@9E6A4FD7.23ADEB7F.9A6F25E7.IP] is now known as smontaguZZZ [07:05:05] right :) [07:05:26] hwaara makes it an inline function and tries again [07:05:49] hwaara: make foo.i [07:06:02] g++ -c -o foo.o foo.i [07:06:07] SeaMonkey: 'Linux btek Depend' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [07:06:20] timeless: that seems like a bunch of work for nsTraceRefcntImpl.cpp, no? [07:06:26] you should be able to breakpoint foo.i if you're careful enough [07:06:37] depends on what you're doing [07:06:45] cf2 [chatzilla@290B3FC6.57216AA9.EF49C441.IP] has left #developers [07:06:49] do you think I can just open the preprocessed file and making breakpoints like crazy? [07:06:50] knowing how to use the compiler can be helpful at times [07:07:05] why not? :) [07:08:39] WARNING: Leaking the RDF Service. [07:12:08] sigh, [07:12:25] anybody around familier with the implementation of xpcnativewrapper? [07:14:53] that's the thing mrbkap/bz/brendan are responsible for? [07:16:11] yeah, all sleeping ;) [07:19:22] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0b2/2006091303] [07:20:12] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [07:20:25] dave|BSD [inveigle@moz-32130B41.mycybernet.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [07:21:06] btw: when someone here uses trunk and sees crashes when changing the text in URL bar, please comment in Bug 352520 and report what you did [07:21:17] (and maybe if you can reproduce it every time) [07:21:24] I have a hard time reproducing it [07:22:49] Neil_ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [07:23:50] Neil_ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [07:24:10] SeaMonkey: 'Linux btek Depend' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [07:24:47] mystic [mystic@moz-302FE5F7.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as mystic|away [07:28:04] chewey_ [chewey@moz-6220F83C.dip.t-dialin.net] is now known as chewey [07:30:28] brosnan [kbrosnan@moz-311F6FBF.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #developers [07:35:10] mw22 [chatzilla@ABC50AD1.D68BE5F3.29424C4.IP] has joined #developers [07:37:02] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [07:43:53] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has joined #developers [07:45:34] Unpresent [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [07:51:50] laurentj [laurentj@2D8FB7E9.FB8B17DB.34E6C24D.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [07:52:18] CTho|zzz [Chris@moz-15A5CD54.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTHo [07:52:19] CTHo [Chris@moz-15A5CD54.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho [07:55:20] moe [moe@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has joined #developers [07:59:45] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has joined #developers [08:02:52] asqueella [asqueella@moz-F5FEFA9E.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [08:03:57] smaug [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugAway [08:05:00] marcoos [marcoos@A939BEFC.1A206934.4CABC86D.IP] has joined #developers [08:06:16] asqueella [asqueella@moz-F5FEFA9E.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #developers [08:10:02] gandalf [e-gand@moz-A7AFD966.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #developers [08:10:31] jlurz [chatzilla@moz-3D6A6E92.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox] [08:13:16] yason [yason@38679F97.A3945F99.EA2C8431.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [08:21:20] BenB [ben@E250F3B.172D2BEF.CA272512.IP] has joined #developers [08:28:24] danbeck [danbeck@82F0324A.9CC1D69A.52393332.IP] has joined #developers [08:32:24] aw1 [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] has joined #developers [08:33:38] Is there a simple way to find out if a patch for a certain bug made it to branch? [08:33:42] glazou: ping :( [08:33:52] fyysik_v [vision@1F550750.E25821A6.3B46701F.IP] has joined #developers [08:33:55] aw1: is there just one patch on the bug? [08:34:00] if so, check keywords [08:34:03] if not, no [08:34:14] timeless: pong ? [08:34:28] glazou: so, there's an eventDOMContentLoaded [08:34:35] timeless, there is a single patch, and it got approval. Keyword is "crash" [08:34:49] aw1: if it's on the branch, it should have fixed{whatever} [08:34:55] click keywords to figure out the whatever [08:35:13] timeless: and ? [08:35:28] is there an event for 'layout done'? [08:35:32] timeless, the keyword is simply crash. Nothing more. [08:35:34] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [08:35:48] aw1: then it isn't on branch [08:36:04] timeless: I have no idea [08:36:28] Sander, d'oh. Do I have to hunt somebody down to commit it (because the bug is assigned to me)? [08:36:42] 'yes' [08:36:55] yes ? [08:37:12] yes? [08:37:23] yes [08:37:34] glazou: =(, ok, well, how about something simpler [08:38:09] if i have a dom node that corresponds to [08:38:19] will node.contentDocument.width be meaningful? [08:38:28] ping ispiked [08:38:35] aw1: do you have branch approval for the patch? If not, ask for that first. [08:38:41] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.2 pacifica-vm Depend Fx-Nightly' has changed state from Burning to Success. [08:38:43] he said he did [08:38:45] not until then event you wanted [08:38:55] oh, no he didn't [08:38:55] Sander, got approval for 1.8.1. [08:39:18] ok, good. :) [08:39:26] glazou: ok... [08:39:31] Heh, so, what now? [08:39:42] will DOMContentLoaded trigger more than once on a given document? [08:39:48] scare someone up to commit it, yeah [08:40:30] fuck [08:40:35] Sander, ok. I see that ispiked is cc'ed on that bug. Maybe he would be a starting point. [08:40:42] timeless: yes [08:40:51] every time an online resource needed is loaded [08:40:51] yes? [08:40:56] 1 doc + 4 images = 5 events [08:41:50] Security Error: Content at chrome://browser/content/browser.xul may not load or link to about:config. [08:42:00] now that's a real winner [08:42:20] timeless: reminds of the stupid error I got with mailnews when trying to drag a file to the browser [08:42:21] timeless: nice. [08:42:35] chrome://... is not allowed to link to mailbox://... [08:42:36] mcsmurf: same general idea, yeah [08:42:44] I meant to file a bug on this [08:42:49] tH [r@] has joined #developers [08:42:49] I'll do it, some day :) [08:43:03] mcsmurf type about:config into the search field and drag it into a frameset or something [08:43:38] (doesn't need to be a frameset) [08:43:47] Error: uncaught exception: Drop of about:config denied. [08:43:52] Security Error: Content at chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul may not load or link to about:config. [08:43:55] *g* [08:44:08] robc_afk [rcampbell@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] is now known as robcee [08:44:31] timeless passses out "something's wrong here flags" [08:47:03] markp [markp@moz-796669ED.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #developers [08:47:58] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [08:49:57] timeless: what's the chance of getting a smaller, new feature (showquota) into the next thunderbird release? [08:50:01] hi mcsmurf [08:50:12] hello ;) [08:50:46] benb: i'll trade [08:50:54] trade? [08:51:00] you help mcsmurf help me get my latest patch and i'll see if i can help give you an estimate [08:51:00] ping reed [08:51:00] :D [08:51:10] attention, he wants to give you some MIME Bugs [08:51:17] mcsmurf: results? :) [08:51:26] nothing yet, did something else... [08:51:49] mcsmurf: I have seen some trades (c) timeless before ;-) [08:52:55] BenB: btw the threading code in roaming was actually a bit buggy [08:53:02] CTho [Chris@moz-15A5CD54.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho|work [08:53:38] bienvenu_ [DavidBienv@moz-DA017C7B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #developers [08:53:49] benb: w/o knowing if bienvenu is actively accepting patches [08:53:58] which is what my patch measures, i really can't answer your question :) [08:54:14] since the threading manager patch roaming dialog needs 100% CPU on quit [08:54:22] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [08:54:29] mcsmurf: threading.... hm, did I use threading there? [08:54:30] (it's processing new events all the time) [08:54:34] mcsmurf: isn't that darin's fault? [08:54:40] timeless: not sure [08:54:41] make him fix it :) [08:54:58] mcsmurf: I use callbacks a *lot*, but threads? [08:55:01] BenB: I looked at http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsblame.cgi?file=/mozilla/extensions/sroaming/src/Stream.cpp&rev=1.3#180 [08:55:10] hm [08:55:27] vlad, ping [08:55:31] well ok, I didn't look that closely maybe ;-) [08:55:51] markp [markp@moz-796669ED.rmo.bellsouth.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.70-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [08:55:56] poningru [poningru@moz-697F4671.ga.at.cox.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [08:56:07] markp [markp@moz-796669ED.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #developers [08:56:11] mcsmurf: ain't I am saying there that I try *not* to use threads to avoid issues? [08:56:26] *shrug* I am no developer [08:56:30] benb: the thing is.. [08:56:38] darin redid event queues [08:56:42] mcsmurf: change it ;-) [08:56:55] BenB: working on it, I still don't know C++ though ;) [08:56:57] mcsmurf: (the fact that you're no developer) [08:57:20] mcsmurf: you're lucky, most of roaming is in JS. this exact paragraph describes *why* [08:57:26] (ok, you can guess what most things mean ;) [08:57:27] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo_away [08:57:42] mcsmurf: but this code is not exactly the best to start. very compliated and a bit messy [08:57:54] timeless shrugs... [08:58:07] the only thing intereting in that code is an instance of 'modal' in ww->OW [08:58:23] mcsmurf: C++ isn't hard, understanding the C++ code in mozilla is another thing ;) [08:58:26] mcsmurf: xpctools profiler or jprof [08:58:39] xpctools?! yet another tool... [08:58:47] aqualon: mozklla c++ is fairly tame when you consider the alternatives [08:58:48] c++ is easy, xpcom is not pleasant to the eye though [08:58:59] mcsmurf: yah well [08:59:13] Aqualon: understanding the c++ code in mozilla is not that hard. it's the sheer mass and the fact that it's not logically sorted, but all over the place. [08:59:14] hwaara: templates as in stl aren't pleasant to the eye either [08:59:19] well, easy for the basics, I mean. [09:00:12] BenB: yeah, the hard thing is to get an overview. [09:00:22] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [09:00:33] timeless: well, back to my question. I need to unbitrott and check in an old patch. I need to know against which branch. the 2.0 releases would be much preferred of course, but I don't know if they're already locked down. [09:00:52] they're fairly locked [09:01:01] it's MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH [09:01:23] Aqualon: you can't really get an overview, that the problem, because the code crosses all directories, you often don't know where until you actually look at the calls.. [09:01:23] you definitely need an approval stamp and a justification [09:01:27] and some cost analysis [09:01:29] cost/risk [09:01:45] abwillis|away [abwillis@moz-79EB53EB.hlrn.qwest.net] is now known as abwillis [09:01:52] benb: it could be worse, sometimes different impls stick things in very different places :) [09:01:54] timeless: ok, doesn't sound good. [09:02:08] benb: you should check a calendar and then start pleading [09:02:14] timeless pokes bienvenu with a request [09:02:41] BenB: next FF2 release is RC1 [09:02:45] then RC2 then RC3 [09:02:48] and then release [09:02:53] or so is the plan [09:02:55] mcsmurf: oh, ok. what about thunderbird? [09:03:06] their schedule is... [09:03:08] good question ;-) [09:03:13] do they have one? [09:03:21] I'm so off, I don't even know the next planned *version number* of thunderbird. I can only guess 2.0. [09:03:27] thunderbird generally uses about the same bits [09:03:34] but releases late [09:03:35] but they are more behind [09:03:52] they are at alpha 1 currently [09:03:54] mcsmurf: as usual :) [09:04:13] is thunderbird getting a visual refresh? [09:04:13] heck, with only two people working on it :) [09:04:13] ff just got its [09:04:14] BenB: according to the roadmap (http://www.mozilla.org/projects/thunderbird/roadmap.html) the beta is planed for Mid September [09:04:26] Aqualon: perfect, thanks! [09:04:27] TB could need a third person [09:04:29] thunderbird has a roadmap? [09:04:48] (timeless could stop using two different nicknames :P9 [09:04:54] mcsmurf: third person? it's only bienvenu and mscott working actively on it? [09:04:59] i could [09:05:01] TB has a roadmap and a visual refresh [09:05:02] BenB: as far as I know, ye [09:05:04] s [09:05:11] full-time I mean [09:05:14] hey bienvenu! :-)) [09:05:25] hey Ben [09:05:40] bienvenu: so, will you be able to review my patch? [09:05:55] is it in my inbox now? [09:06:02] bienvenu_: I want to unbitrott and check in the patch for bug 278096. [09:06:08] it should be [09:06:18] I'm still going through my mail [09:06:29] laurentj [laurentj@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has joined #developers [09:06:30] bienvenu_: I still owe that to one customer, kindof, and another customer needs that functionality, and I think *anybody* using quota really needs it. [09:06:52] bienvenu_: would you be ok with that for the TB2 branch, if I work on it now? [09:06:54] benb: everyone here is quota'd [09:06:56] i just hit my quota [09:07:35] and people here foolishly try to use thunderbird [09:07:52] philor [ringnalda@moz-DE5A9240.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [09:08:32] timeless: well, I am thinking of big installations with n000 seats. think secretaries. they need to know when they approach quota, before it's full. [09:08:43] yeah [09:08:44] BenB - I haven't thought about what the UI should look like... [09:08:44] bsmedberg-away [bsmedberg@moz-FBF198A7.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg [09:08:57] you know where i work, right? [09:09:11] bienvenu_: it's very cute, it's just a very tiny progressbar on the statusbar, which appears only when really needed. [09:09:14] i got a message from my mail server saying it was rejecting mails because i hit my quota [09:09:16] no warning [09:09:24] this is apparently fairly common here [09:09:42] that sounds good... [09:09:47] bienvenu_: great :) [09:09:55] bienvenu_: it's configurable, too. [09:09:58] timeless: know, I don't know. [09:10:07] s/know/no/ [09:10:13] can you configure it to put up an alert when you reach a certain percentage? [09:10:27] (which the server usually does) [09:10:56] bienvenu: exchange never did that for me [09:11:10] heh [09:11:15] it's not a real imap server :-( [09:11:33] although, i was speaking owa(http) and outlook(non-imap) [09:11:51] the Outlook client itself didn't warn you? yikes [09:11:57] bienvenu_: not following. I think servers can put up alerts, yes. what my code so far does is to 1) only show up over a configurable percentage (e.g. 50%, or 0% if you want) 2) be yellow over a e.g. 80%, 3) be red over e.g. 95%. [09:12:04] correct [09:12:51] benb: getting a dialog when i open tb for the first time that it's over a warning threshold wouldn't be too bad [09:13:00] bienvenu_: in any case, my code does nothing if there's no quota on the account. and it relies on the IMAP code to get the info (which unfortunately sometimes means that it's unknown after a new connection, IIRC) [09:13:04] as long as it remembered that it had shown me the dialog for that threshold [09:13:43] timeless: well, personally, I think ideally, there no alert dialogboxes *at all*. [09:13:50] of course, if i go below the threshold, i'd want to be warned again [09:13:58] benb: i'm usually against alerts [09:14:03] but i'm against dataloss first [09:14:13] and that exchange rejected email because my kmailbox was full [09:14:15] Mnyromyr [MnyroWork@B9DD71DB.895A7D73.450559D8.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [09:14:16] BenB - w/o seeing your UI, I don't know how attention grabbing it is when things get dire...that's all [09:14:23] because no one told me in advance... [09:14:43] anywya beinvenu wants a picture :) [09:14:43] BenB - I thought we persisted the quota information... [09:14:45] philor [ringnalda@moz-DE5A9240.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:14:50] bienvenu_: I see... the alert is kind of orthogonal to the progressbar, not? [09:15:17] the alert should be orthogonal [09:15:18] get the progress bar in sooner and worry about the alert later [09:15:27] an indication in hand is worth two in the bush [09:15:27] yep [09:15:31] timeless: that's what I am saying, yes. [09:16:15] timeless hopes bienvenu is progressing through bugmail [09:16:31] bienvenu_: so, are you *in principle* ok with this going into TB2? [09:16:34] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [09:16:55] smontaguZZZ [chatzilla@9E6A4FD7.23ADEB7F.9A6F25E7.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:16:57] bienvenu_: if so, I'd try to unbitrott the patch now (if I can get TB to build on this machine), and you can take a look at it? [09:17:21] I'll incorporate the appropriate comments you and mscott made the last time. [09:17:33] sure, if you do that, I'll take a look at it. [09:17:42] bienvenu_: great, thanks! :) [09:18:02] nice to be on the same page again, cooperating, feels like kthe old times :) [09:18:08] doron__ [doron@moz-6E4EB9A1.austin.ibm.com] is now known as doron [09:18:08] philor [ringnalda@moz-B7FCE461.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [09:18:15] BenB starts immediately [09:18:23] np :-) [09:27:26] brendan [brendaneic@moz-42090664.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [09:27:26] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o brendan [09:28:09] ping schrep [09:31:45] aleiva [aleiva@439F649.99EB015.267E4E.IP] has joined #developers [09:31:53] Leandro [chatzilla@74F28BC3.4A91927C.45E73AC7.IP] has joined #developers [09:32:09] hi [09:34:11] smontaguZZZ [chatzilla@moz-AAA65DA0.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #developers [09:35:47] I'm trying to figure out how events work in firefox. I have a nice and short doc about event handling in mozilla of Alexander Larsson, but i'm lost (not in an island ;) at the point that events go to spidermonkey [09:35:49] abwillis [abwillis@moz-79EB53EB.hlrn.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [09:36:41] someone can give me a url to docs or sort of about this topic ? [09:41:17] mystic|away [mystic@moz-302FE5F7.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as mystic [09:46:29] ssieb_roam [ssieb@moz-94BCB728.vs.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:46:46] aleiva: spidermonkey? [09:47:07] spidermonkey is the JS engine, it doesn't really know anything about events [09:47:21] it really doesn't know anything about events [09:51:10] stefanh [stefanh@8CD69875.279EBB9.1DA00A2A.IP] has joined #developers [09:52:09] ssieb_roam [ssieb@moz-94BCB728.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [09:52:12] Mano: ping [09:53:58] bsmedberg, timeless: maybe this is where i fail in my approach [09:54:17] aw1 [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] is now known as aw1_offline [09:54:22] gandalf [e-gand@moz-A7AFD966.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [09:55:54] Leandro [chatzilla@74F28BC3.4A91927C.45E73AC7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0b2/2006082101] [09:57:05] instead of being lost [09:57:13] what's your actual goal? [09:57:17] aw1_offline [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:57:21] it's easy to remain lost if you have no place to go [09:57:22] i'm testing the bug #334938, the events from widgets should be managed by onkeypress js code [09:57:26] and we can't help you change that [09:58:05] aleiva: onkeypress is a DOM event, so you're talking about DOM event handling, not the main eventloop? [09:58:32] aleiva: the url there doesn't go anywhere [09:58:45] (404) [09:58:46] what's jhughes bugmail address? [09:59:00] mento [mark@45E77367.4D5468FB.6E4B7F6D.IP] has joined #developers [09:59:11] pike: i recently committeded something for a bug he approved [09:59:22] you could use bonsai to find my branch commit and ask bugzilla [09:59:37] bsmedberg: yes [10:00:16] aleiva: so, you understand that all of the DOM is implemented in XPCOM and ends up in JS through xpconnect? [10:00:39] bsmedberg: yeah, i understand that [10:01:30] fyysik_v [vision@1F550750.E25821A6.3B46701F.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Vision[0.9.7-SF-010705]: i've been blurred! [10:01:42] timeless: give a minute to provide a new test case url [10:01:57] attach it to the bug [10:02:10] urls that risk going away are bad, bugzlila will gladly keep your test forever [10:02:36] timeless: ok, i'll attach it [10:03:27] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has joined #developers [10:03:28] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dveditz [10:03:41] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [10:04:37] dveditz3 [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has joined #developers [10:04:38] biesi [chb@sjs-130-65-240-46.sjsu.edu] has joined #developers [10:04:51] biesi: do you know much about nsIncrementalDownload? [10:05:08] I think so, yeah [10:05:16] SimpsonTP [Bart@moz-227F0266.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #developers [10:05:18] hi all [10:05:25] should xulrunner support threads ? [10:05:35] xulrunner does have threads [10:05:39] biesi: could you help with bug 352671; gathering additional information now [10:05:56] biesi: my xpcshell dies trying to load necko [10:05:56] SimpsonTP: as well as any gecko supports threads [10:05:58] help :( [10:05:59] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] is now known as IRCMonkey5271073 [10:06:10] bsmedberg, interesting [10:06:16] biesi goes to look at the tb report [10:06:19] ssieb_roam [ssieb@moz-94BCB728.vs.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:06:20] timeless, well, um [10:06:21] dveditz3 [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] is now known as dveditz [10:06:23] have a stack? [10:06:29] IRCMonkey5271073 [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:06:36] hey biesi! :) [10:06:42] hey BenB [10:06:47] yeah, hold [10:06:52] bsmedberg, the stack goes through libstdc++? [10:07:15] huh, SIGIOT [10:07:24] ooh, cool [10:07:30] what's SIGIOT? [10:07:42] not sure [10:07:47] I think I've seen it before [10:07:52] can't remember what it is though... [10:08:02] biesi: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/458 [10:08:50] biesi: appears that it can be caused by OOM or by assert() [10:08:52] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:09:28] there shouldn't be assert()s in opt builds [10:09:39] timeless, what's on that line in nsNetUtil.h? [10:09:50] 763 NS_ADDREF(*result = in); // cannot use nsCOMPtr::swap [10:09:57] biesi: there can be in libstdc++ [10:09:59] raccettura [raccettura@moz-B3D97F32.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #developers [10:10:19] i.e. 59 of the pastebin [10:10:28] timeless: attached, you can test now [10:10:40] timeless, oh oops :) [10:11:16] aleiva: i get: [10:11:18] down: 8 [10:11:25] bsmedberg, hm, I suppose so [10:11:32] press: 0 | | which: 8 [10:11:51] sometimes i get up: 8 [10:11:52] timeless: have you us keyboard without dead keys ? [10:11:55] but not always [10:11:58] timeless: like a accent [10:12:04] s/a/an [10:12:09] this is a finnish keyboard but using en-us layout [10:12:18] bsmedberg, I wish I knew what function this called in stdc++ [10:12:45] Signal: IOT Trap [10:12:45] An alias for SIGABRT [10:12:51] biesi: I'm betting it's "new char[mChunkSize]" [10:13:24] oh [10:13:24] aw1 [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] has joined #developers [10:13:25] then the line# would be pretty wrong [10:13:32] the line# is wrong [10:13:44] biesi: don't forget me [10:13:46] we're in OnStartRequest, not Start [10:13:50] i need to sleep eventually [10:13:51] true [10:14:11] timeless, this seems more like a libpref crash than a necko one [10:14:17] timeless, where does this pointer come from? [10:14:32] biesi: if i don't have libnecko.so, xpcshell starts and stops w/o crashing [10:14:38] where does: Warning: reference to undefined property Components.classes['@mozilla.org/thread;1'] come from then ?? [10:14:41] i only crash after i put [10:14:47] simpsontp: it's gone [10:14:53] darin replaced it with a different api [10:15:04] brendan [brendaneic@moz-42090664.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: brendan [10:15:06] smaugAway [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaug [10:15:06] see the other url from the wiki that i mentioned a few days ago [10:15:19] what's the right define to check for in the build system to see if Cocoa stuff is OK to build? [10:15:28] SimpsonTP, this is trunk? [10:15:35] timeless, well [10:15:38] timeless: ah great, its nice no one deprecates the reference [10:15:43] if you have no libnecko you have no localfilestreams [10:15:46] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-5393BE11.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [10:15:48] simpsontp: what reference? [10:15:55] biesi: eh? [10:16:00] i didn't say xpcshell was happy [10:16:09] it quits because caps coplains [10:16:18] timeless, I'm saying you never get to this line of code if you have no libnecko [10:16:19] presumably because it can't get strings using necko because there's no necko [10:16:27] timeless: http://www.xulplanet.com/references/xpcomref/ifaces/nsIThread.html [10:16:39] simpsontp: xulplanet is so != mozilla.org [10:16:42] timeless: did you try to capture a dead key ? [10:16:46] use at your own risk [10:16:50] it's also probably for 1.8.0 or something [10:17:02] timeless: then where do I find a proper refence ? [10:17:04] timeless: it don't work, all is setted to 0 [10:17:04] mvl [michiel@D55464D6.597375BE.F76128F8.IP] has joined #developers [10:17:14] lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey [10:17:16] timeless: I'm just a beginner in all this component stuff [10:17:25] bsmedberg, so I guess mChunkSize could be "large" here [10:17:32] which would cause new to throw [10:17:41] biesi: the update MAR URL is wrong [10:17:43] which'd terminate the app [10:17:47] biesi: thats a source repository, I do get the concept of 'use the force luke' [10:17:53] biesi: it's redirecting to http://www.mozilla.org/ [10:18:11] ssieb_roam [ssieb@moz-94BCB728.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [10:18:21] SimpsonTP, we probably don't have a good reference for trunk [10:18:44] aleiva: i can't find a way to get my keyboard switched for firefox :) [10:18:48] great [10:19:00] hmmm [10:19:01] nsInt64 diff = mTotalSize - mCurrentSize; [10:19:01] if (diff < nsInt64(mChunkSize)) [10:19:10] could diff get negative? [10:19:25] heh [10:19:26] well, hrm [10:19:33] jhpedemonte [jhpedemont@moz-6E4EB9A1.austin.ibm.com] has joined #developers [10:19:35] are we serving compressed content? [10:19:39] those are always fun [10:19:49] possible that mTotalSize is 0? [10:20:03] heh [10:20:04] (we're not sending a Content-Length header perhaps) [10:20:21] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-5393BE11.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Client exited [10:20:37] we're not using content-length for this [10:20:51] biesi: ok [10:20:54] oh [10:20:56] sometimes we do [10:20:57] ok [10:21:01] killing libpref.so let my app start and quit w/o crashing [10:22:38] hrm [10:22:42] ok, that's funny [10:22:44] bsmedberg, a network trace would be kind of nice [10:22:53] mw22 [chatzilla@ABC50AD1.D68BE5F3.29424C4.IP] is now known as mw22_away [10:23:15] biesi: NSPR HTTP would or wouldn't help? [10:23:19] biesi, rebuilding libpref: *** Registering nsPrefModule components (all right -- a generic module!) [10:23:19] Reading libcaps.so [10:23:20] Reading libnecko.so [10:23:21] t@1 (l@1) signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address) in (unknown) at 0xfe089b0b [10:23:21] 0xfe089b0b: __1cUnsSyncStreamListenerG__vtbl_+0x0007: addb %dh,0x20fdee12(%eax) [10:23:21] Current function is nsGenericFactory::CreateInstance [10:23:21] 80 return mInfo->mConstructor(aOuter, aIID, aResult); [10:23:21] (dbx) where [10:23:21] timeless [timeless@moz-6D9E2906.net] has been kicked from #developers by killer [killer@services.mozilla.org]: Stop flooding! [10:23:46] bsmedberg, ah, that actually should [10:23:54] timeless: AFAIK you only need to have your locales configured properly, my firefox is us_US and locales is es_ES, you need linux or mac os to test the bug anyway [10:24:23] why not windows? [10:24:23] locales and keyboard layouts are independent of each other [10:24:34] backspace takes me back to the previous page on windows too [10:24:49] is another bug [10:25:03] timeless [timeless@moz-6D9E2906.net] has joined #developers [10:25:08] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/459 [10:25:14] the problem is capture in keypress js event the keycode of deadkeys [10:25:20] => biesi [10:25:31] timeless: AFAIK you only need to have your locales configured properly, my firefox is us_US and locales is es_ES, you need linux or mac os to test the bug anyway (you get kicked) [10:26:00] timeless, you mentioned that already no? [10:26:10] oh [10:26:12] different crash [10:26:17] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:26:21] timeless isn't going to test locales on unix [10:26:42] doesn't really look different though [10:26:52] what's odd is that it took me to frame 8 [10:26:57] can you please do some debugging of this yourself? you really should be able to [10:26:59] i can't think of a single reason why it would do that [10:28:26] mystic [mystic@moz-302FE5F7.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as mystic|away [10:28:59] bsmedberg, perhaps an xpcshell testcase could be made for this? assuming we know the url [10:29:18] dietrich [dietrich@B6C469E7.10DA35A7.E2CA354A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: dietrich [10:29:49] biesi: we can run a local HTTP server to test it, and yes, once we figure out what's going on we should definitely write up a testcase [10:30:02] biesi: #qa is working on an HTTP log [10:30:02] I meant with the real URL for a start [10:30:12] ok [10:30:17] I'll be afk for a while [10:30:36] np, they're going to fix server-side to make the URL work in any case [10:30:36] Neil_ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [10:30:45] mwu [mikew@moz-5B5E35CE.rutgers.edu] has joined #developers [10:31:38] Neil_ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [10:31:46] timeless: is there a explantation of threads somewhere accordig to the new methods ? [10:31:55] i dunno [10:32:04] i grew up w/ the old stuff [10:32:14] it took me a bunch of searches just to find that one url i gave you earlier [10:32:20] crowder [crowder@moz-454FFD85.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #developers [10:33:15] timeless: this one ? http://wiki.mozilla.org/XPCOM:nsIThreadManager [10:33:29] sounds about right [10:33:30] NeilAway [neil@moz-8A2C3F43.adsl.newnet.co.uk] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:34:47] moe [moe@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [10:36:01] ok, rebuilding necko+prefs properly w/ symbols /kinda/ improves things [10:36:26] heh, even better [10:36:37] it returns an explicit Content-Length: 0 [10:36:43] lol [10:37:10] smontaguZZZ [chatzilla@moz-AAA65DA0.broadband.actcom.net.il] is now known as smontagu [10:37:54] bienvenu_ [DavidBienv@moz-DA017C7B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [10:38:02] bsmedberg: do you have any idea what would cause some code to only work the second time you start a firefox build (i.e., _after_ compreg and all that has been done already) ? (bug 352646) [10:38:15] it's like the code isn't even running [10:38:29] looking at memory though, all the libs needed are there. [10:38:32] hwaara: there are plenty of reasons! [10:38:44] bsmedberg: sorry, "not work" was too general. :) [10:38:45] hey, bug 301084 is something I wanted for a very long time. very useful and natural. great! [10:38:52] I mean more or less as if it was not used. [10:39:34] dbx: panic: pop_output(): originally pushed string not on top of stack [10:39:37] timeless grins [10:39:38] Xanthor|aw [Xanthor@1A1B525D.C32EEA8.93BE0828.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:40:09] hwaara: it depends on how the code hooks itself up, of course... using "xpcom-startup" notifications can be a bit weird [10:41:40] hmm. well, the a11y lib is loaded like any module. almost first, because it starts with "a". [10:45:24] SimpsonTP [Bart@moz-227F0266.adsl.xs4all.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: no windows left [10:47:57] moe [moe@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has joined #developers [10:49:53] steve_k [steve@moz-D844ACFD.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:50:55] hwaara, are they sorted alphabetically? [10:51:15] biesi: yes [10:51:32] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: [10:52:01] I noticed this only because I removed all the other output noise, in between module registrations. [10:52:35] bsmedberg, which one is C-L: 0? the redirect or the resulting page? [10:52:43] KaiRo_away [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo [10:52:56] biesi: the redirect [10:53:03] that shouldn't matter [10:53:07] tqh [tqh@D3B5D33B.AE31CE7.186BC0CB.IP] has joined #developers [10:53:12] tigerdog [tigerdog@moz-17385E4D.san.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [10:53:23] incrementaldownload should never see that one [10:53:27] so, maybe it is the compression [10:53:43] hm, that could be [10:55:39] hm [10:55:42] where's the Range: header? [10:56:08] Range: bytes 9552- [10:56:38] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has quit IRC: Quit: [10:56:48] oooh, does that mean i can get points? :) [10:56:57] ah there [10:56:58] bsmedberg hands out free points to timeless [10:57:24] why does the first request to mozilla.org not have it though? [10:57:37] I don't know [10:58:11] myk [chatzilla@C1A103CF.F010FA03.67E53AB7.IP] has joined #developers [10:58:23] dietrich [dietrich@47E6E42C.47D5322E.E2CA354A.IP] has joined #developers [10:59:22] tqh [tqh@D3B5D33B.AE31CE7.186BC0CB.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:00:21] tqh [tqh@D3B5D33B.AE31CE7.186BC0CB.IP] has joined #developers [11:02:27] hwaara [hwaara@CF8C368A.2191EBAD.7EF74A51.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: hwaara [11:02:32] myk [chatzilla@C1A103CF.F010FA03.67E53AB7.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:03:32] tqh [tqh@D3B5D33B.AE31CE7.186BC0CB.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:04:46] kiko [kiko@moz-21AE8E0E.dsl.telesp.net.br] is now known as kiko-fud [11:07:07] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has joined #developers [11:09:19] biesi [chb@sjs-130-65-240-46.sjsu.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:10:03] mojo [mohamed.at@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has joined #developers [11:10:22] alice|afk [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice [11:11:33] http://it.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=196552&cid=16104124 [11:11:38] schrep [schrep@moz-7542B0EB.dsl.static.sonic.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:13:30] dmose [dmose@moz-5BD04EDD.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [11:14:02] SeaMonkey: 'Linux comet Depend release' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [11:14:19] whimboo [Miranda@39B4F589.484D324C.349377F5.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Quit [11:15:13] mmc [mmc@moz-C81D45CC.maths.ed.ac.uk] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.13/20060414] [11:18:01] steve_k [steve@moz-98C3E399.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [11:18:29] aw1 [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] is now known as aw1_offline ### Log session terminated at Thu Sep 14 11:43:58 2006 ### ### Log session started at Thu Sep 14 11:44:17 2006 ### [11:44:17] db48x [db48x@moz-92CEAF59.sub-70-196-161.myvzw.com] has joined #developers [11:44:17] Channel topic is: http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || * sayrer goes back to buttmonkey-era plugin code || IBM is very upset http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2006Aug/0216.html | bz: /dev/null will gie you about as good feedback as anything [11:44:17] Topic was set by WeirdAl!*@* on Tue Sep 12 15:34:58 2006 [11:44:19] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=351418 [11:44:26] sand.mozilla.org [*@*] has set channel mode +snr [11:44:26] Channel was created at Thu Aug 10 23:24:33 2006 [11:44:26] Channel synchronized in 9.223 seconds [11:44:39] ispiked, you are cc'ed. Is this to get it into branch? [11:44:40] Mossop_sleep [Mossop@12C893C0.64D3FE12.9F9AE327.IP] is now known as Mossop [11:44:50] Peter6: Your wish is my command [11:45:04] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-18335CED.nycmny.east.verizon.net] is now known as sayrer_bbl [11:45:06] aw1: yeah, but it's too late now. I think we're in a freeze. [11:45:08] Mossop: mornin ;-) [11:45:18] sayrer_bbl [chatzilla@moz-18335CED.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.73-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9a1/2006042715] [11:45:28] ispiked, hmm, ok. Now, what does this mean for me? [11:45:40] Mossop: can you try TSB (works again) and see it's fx on normal pages [11:46:10] Peter6: Did do last night. The funky thing described about it causing text to change size happens intermittently for me [11:46:33] aw1: it did get 181 approval and it fixes a crash.. [11:46:40] Mossop: any idea what's causing it ? [11:46:43] mwu: is the tree still open, though? [11:47:00] mwu, yes, I know, the bug is assigned to me. [11:47:06] Peter6: Nope. You know about the bug on that right? [11:47:15] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-5DD49960.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #developers [11:47:17] But I can't find anybody to get it in, and now it seems to be too late. [11:47:20] I would just check it in since some other guy did some late checkins [11:47:25] Mossop: not the one that quietly fixed this [11:47:33] mwu: he can't. [11:47:44] Well, I don't have cvs access, that why I am looking for someone. [11:47:50] you're good for checkin assuming it's allowed... [11:47:54] Mossop: i know the other 2 related to the issue [11:48:07] mm, I'd check it in, but I'm about to leave [11:48:53] Peter6: One of the security bugs mentioned in bug 352488 accidentally changed an if condition which is why drawwindow is trying to do something now [11:49:11] you should've set checkin needed when you got approval [11:49:14] right [11:49:34] mwu, d'oh. Sorry, it was the first bug assigned to me. [11:49:42] aw1: there is a status whiteboard that people search for ([checking needed]). [11:49:44] s'ok [11:49:49] aw1: set that if you need a bug checked in. [11:49:53] KaiRo has found the probable cause for SeaMonkey orange, "fix" (missed part of checkin) is in now [11:49:55] for trunk, that is [11:50:05] it's slightly different for branches [11:50:06] aw1: and [checkin needed (1.8 branch)] for branch. [11:50:07] Ah, ok! [11:50:18] So, should I do that now? [11:50:37] wouldn't hurt, I suppose [11:50:52] aw1: it probably cannot be checked in without explicity driver approval at this point. [11:51:06] D'oh. [11:51:46] It looks like I failed it... :( [11:52:10] s/ok, we can probably get approval for a simple patch like this, and if not for rc1, definitely for rc2 [11:52:29] dietrich [dietrich@47E6E42C.47D5322E.E2CA354A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: dietrich [11:52:33] assuming there is an RC2 [11:52:52] preed-afk [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [11:53:06] optimistic, eh? ;) [11:53:43] Ok, I've added [checkin needed (1.8 branch)] now anyway. [11:54:33] bsmedberg: why did that crash bug move back to firefox? [11:54:46] "I'll need to think a little bit about how you can get around XPConnect being [11:54:49] helpful here." [11:54:51] timeless: probably because somebody didn't refresh their browser [11:54:53] I love that [11:55:11] So, just to be sure: if there would be an rc2, I should bug someone again. Otherwise, well, uhm, just leave it like it is? [11:55:16] mconor: is this the xbl/accessible bug ginn asked bz about? [11:55:46] timeless: no [11:55:54] sec bug ### Log session terminated at Thu Sep 14 12:15:57 2006 ### ### Log session started at Thu Sep 14 12:16:10 2006 ### [12:16:10] db48x [db48x@moz-92CEAF59.sub-70-196-161.myvzw.com] has joined #developers [12:16:10] Channel topic is: http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || * sayrer goes back to buttmonkey-era plugin code || IBM is very upset http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2006Aug/0216.html | bz: /dev/null will gie you about as good feedback as anything [12:16:10] Topic was set by WeirdAl!*@* on Tue Sep 12 15:34:58 2006 [12:16:18] sand.mozilla.org [*@*] has set channel mode +snr [12:16:18] Channel was created at Thu Aug 10 23:24:33 2006 [12:16:21] Channel synchronized in 10.981 seconds [12:16:24] pamg [pamg@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [12:16:27] mw22 [chatzilla@ABC50AD1.D68BE5F3.29424C4.IP] is now known as mw22_away [12:17:50] bsmedberg [bsmedberg@moz-FBF198A7.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg-away [12:18:23] ssieb_roam [ssieb@moz-94BCB728.vs.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:18:56] anyone here familiar w/ permissions? :) [12:19:38] ispiked: wait, you knew about this crash previously? [12:19:45] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:19:49] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:19:49] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [12:20:00] timeless: unix permissions ? [12:20:24] aleiva: in general we don't use operator overloading, i think strings did at one time [12:20:28] mojo [mohamed.at@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: [12:20:30] moe [moe@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: cmr05jp081:15:03 [12:20:44] mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/mxr-test/seamonkey/search?string=operator&find=\.h$ [12:20:54] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Quit: petea [12:21:03] timeless: then, two methods with same name and diferents args == "operator overloading" [12:21:13] timeless: I think that i saw one case [12:22:02] i sorry [12:22:13] mconnor: OK, Pam is going to try and finish the patch, we'll test the heck out of it, and then we'll drop it in your lap and let you make the final call [12:22:15] xpcom interfaces don't do operator overloading [12:22:20] SimonTheSoundMan [SimonTheSo@E0D678BA.48AF9E17.97A297A6.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: SimonTheSoundMan [12:22:23] SeaMonkey: 'Linux nye Depend bloat' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [12:22:23] dougt [dougt@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:22:37] pkasting: did I mention the deadline for that is in like four hours? [12:22:37] s34n [s34n@moz-4B1AC304.mvdsl.com] has joined #developers [12:22:37] timeless: ok [12:22:38] if you mean foo(int) foo(char*), we do that a lot in other stuff [12:22:49] and unfortunately a bit in combined interface classes [12:22:56] which is a mess for js objects that try to implemetn them [12:23:11] mconnor, we'll see what happens. If it's not ready, *shrug*. FF3! [12:23:15] timeless should try abusing a pair of sips to see what happens [12:23:36] /cue beltzner FF2 slogan [12:23:36] mconnor, did you get to putting in an about:config pref for it? [12:23:51] pamg: that's like 15 minutes [12:23:59] graydon [graydon@moz-4322C8E6.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [12:24:05] bsmedberg-away: yeah, I saw it while testing updates over the summer. [12:24:06] pamg: I need to fix some help stuff first, then that [12:24:13] mconnor, okay, then I won't do that now. [12:24:14] any thoughts on why a xul doc wouldn't load