Felsite? First, a brief tour to get acquanted with the fortress. * Someone apparently forgot to unload the wagon. Will the entire fortress be as neglected? * the entrance is guarded only be a few cage traps. although cunningly concealed, these are not likely to provide adequate protection. will commence work on a drawbridge behind the flood trap * irrigation system/drowning trap seems to be properly engineered, and the documentation in order * there doesn't seem to be any raw material storage near the main production areas * the large cavern beneath our feet is quite amazing; it's several times larger than the ones in my home fortress. I'll begin cultivating the tower-caps and fungiwood that grow there right away An elven caravan has arrived, carrying an astonishing quantity of goods on the backs of their pack-warthogs. The Overload overslept, so �rith Kolstingaz persuaded me to let him do the job. He cunningly traded a large amount of rope for the much more valuable spirts the elves brought, as well as some food and a giant eagle to decorate the zoo. I was surprised to see his report, as the elves brought just as much rope to the table as we did, yet they accepted the trade anyway. He must be a superb trader, and it would be a shame to waste his talents; I'll let him have the job full time. Tosid, the miner who according to all reports recently nearly fell to his death has decided that he's feeling better now, and that he can return to work. Our surgeon, Sarvesh, tells me that his liver is still badly injured, but that he's decided not to restrain him, so I'll allow him to take up his duties once more. He soon returns to bed of his own accord. I've finished the flood trap over the Half a dozen goblins have attempted to enter the fort, only to be trapped. Apparently this is a common enough occocance; nobody here has made any to do over it. Poor Rith has taken to moping about the place. His friends tell me that he's been cooped up in a workshop for the past few months. He wouldn't let anyone help him with whatever he was building in there, and I believe that the strain of a solo project has gotten to him. I've begun mining out several galleries to grow tower caps in, down in the cavern. Rith died today, of thirst. The ceremony was difficult to perform, due to lack of space; the mausoleum here is terrible. I actually missed it on my initial tour. �rith has gotten himself elected mayor now. Tirist withdrew to seclusion to work on a secret project. Whatever it is, he's only using a single steel bar... Uh oh, something exciting has happened. A troll snuck up the stairway into the middle of the fort. I've got the militia on the job, but for some reason they all decided to drop their picks and axes and wrestle it. With a little help from a bear and a few pet dogs they've managed to bruise every part of his body, knock some teeth out, break his tusks, etc. They've got him cornered in one sector of the production level, which is good. He's nauseous, unconscious and overexerted, but they've been at it for a while and there hasn't been any visible progress. Luckily only the bear and the dog have been wounded so far, but it's looking a bit like this troll's regeneration will last forever... Iden M�ziroslan finally lands the killing blow on the troll. There were some casualties in the end. Solon had his left knee broken, Adil his right wrist, while the clothier �nul suffered several broken bones. In an attempt to head off future trouble of this nature, I've begun construction of a barraks and armory for the militia to train in just above the door to the cavern. That should help considerably, provided it's used regularly for training. Sad news today. One of the babies was kidnapped after her mother took her outside to collect wood. Trade agreement set for the next year. They would like us to produce splints, toys, rings, legware, armor, fish, rock mugs, backpacks, anvils, and tanned hides. Some reports of odd activity in the cavern. The ground around the staircase is wet, and the cougar and bear that I had stationed there are suffering from some strange malady. They appear to be extremely dizzy; The trainers can discern no cause. Solon began a construction today. I'm told he took some slugman bones, some ores and some silk cloth then locked the door... He's produced a rather lackluster bauble that he calls Nadirdangles the Rounded Music. It certainly does dangle from the nadir of all possible artifacts. The dog wounded in the fight with the troll, Th�kut, has died of an infection. Apparently he never got the medical attention he required. WTF? The Overload is sleeping in the mayor's bed. Fikod just withdrew, and now he wants shells. Good luck.